Our Story
Sportsfactory was formed in 1999 & its primary business until 2013 had been providing Brands and Retailers worldwide with their own branded footwear & equipment products.
In 2013 we ventured into our first licensing agreement & become the UK licensee for New Balance Bags & its EMEA approved supplier.
In 2014 we added NB Headwear to its UK license & EMEA supply agreement.
We are now in a position, and are actively looking, to add major complimentary licence agreements to this portfolio.
The Team: 4 Designers, 3 Product personnel, 3 in Logistics and a Sales & Marketing department, the majority of which have been with the company for a number of years.
Each year we process orders in excess of US$ 10-12m on our partner factories in Asia.
New Opportunities
At Sportsfactory we are always looking for new opportunities and brands to partner with.
Why not contact us to see how we can help to produce the best for your brand.
Below are some of brands we work with here at Sportsfactory: